Within the depths of the Abyss, a girl named Riko stumbles upon a robot who looks like a young boy. Riko and her new friend descend into uncharted territory to unlock its mysteries, but what lies in wait for them in the darkness?
S1 E1: The City of the Great Pit
S1 E2: Resurrection Festival
S1 E3: Departure
S1 E4: The Edge of the Abyss
S1 E5: Incinerator
S1 E6: Seeker Camp
S1 E7: The Unmovable Sovereign
S1 E8: Survival Training
S1 E9: The Great Fault
S1 E10: Poison and the Curse
S1 E11: Nanachi
S1 E12: The True Nature of the Curse
S1 E13: The Challengers
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